Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Potential Benefits Of Adjuvant Therapy - 3460 Words

. In addition to patient perspectives on their treatment options and findings from a brief GA, a further consideration in estimating potential benefits of adjuvant therapy is the patient’s estimated life expectancy, to determine whether they are likely to live long enough to benefit from the treatment. Chronologic age is an integral component of such estimates; however, it is by no means a sufficient consideration. As our two clinical cases illustrate, two 70 year old breast cancer patients can have very different underlying health, physical activity, and social support systems and require a treatment approach that reflects these differences (Figure 1). It can be particularly challenging for physicians to estimate the life expectancy of their patients, especially for patients in advanced stages of cancer [35]. Fortunately, several tools are available to aid in the estimation of life expectancy in a variety of different patient populations (e.g. community dwelling or nursing ho me) and life expectancy time frame [36]. Many of these tools are available in an online calculator format on the â€Å"ePrognosis† website ( For example the Lee- Schonberg index intakes into account the patient’s age, gender, body mass index, comorbidities, cigarette smoking, physical activity, previous hospitalizations, and limitations in activities of daily living due to physical, mental, emotional or cognitive problems to estimates the patient’s life expectancy [37-40]. None of theseShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Potential Therapeutic Targets?981 Words   |  4 PagesTherefore, a cancer that involves a mutation in these BRAC1 and BRAC2 genes (BRCAness) can be effectively treated with PARP1 inhibitors, which may represent very efficient therapies for TNBC because of the high sensitivity of these tumours to the inhibitor and moreimportantly, it is devoid of harmful effects on the remaining healthy cells. This contrasts with conventional chemothera pies, which are highly toxic to all cells and can provoke DNA damage in healthy cells that may further lead to secondaryRead MoreGenetic Testing Services Under Ms. Gelch Essay1143 Words   |  5 Pagesstates: â€Å"When claim number 201512106349125 (Genomic Health Inc.) was initially processed, it was denied as services that are experimental/investigational are not a covered benefit. The Oncotype DX colon cancer assay procedure is a genetic test. Ms. Gelch s policy specifically excludes coverage for genetic testing. 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Dr Sidney Wolfe, Director of Public Citizen s Health Research Grou p, declared to the press that, These drugs have the potential to cause significant damage to multiple critical organs, yet they provide meager benefits in reducing weight loss in obese and overweight patients. According to this group, Orlistat should be banned because of increasing evidence that it causes liver damage, kidney stones and pancreatitis

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