Monday, August 24, 2020

Diary Form Narrative in Dracula free essay sample

The Irish writer, Bram Stoker, was an innovative and scholarly author, and in that capacity, composed the gothic novel Dracula in the journal type of story. This was a decent decision of how to compose the novel since it was useful to the plot of Dracula. Instances of how the journal structure is valuable to Dracula are found in his composition and book, as I will presently begin in letting you know. Probably the best advantage of the journal story is that the peruser is permitted see, and feel the passionate substances of the enthusiastic characters. This is incredible on the grounds that when a character isn't feeling excessively extraordinary and is concealing something, the peruser knows this, and accordingly the peruser knows all that is going on; nothing is being escaped the peruser. A case of this occurrence is when Mina is at the crazy shelter and is really anxious about something happening to Jonathan Harper. We will compose a custom article test on Journal Form Narrative in Dracula or then again any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Mina shrouds all that she feels when Jonathan Harper is close to her. All that Mina is believing is composed by her, and what, how she is believing is prepared for a peruser to look at in light of the fact that they can see her journal. On the off chance that Minas journal was not open to the peruser, or on the off chance that somebody was recounting what the individual saw, the perception could be bogus and the peruser would lose significant data that would be important to the entire plot of the book. A few things that can be seen about the journal structure are that various perspectives on something very similar can be communicated by a wide range of individuals; all in first individual view. At that point, alongside that, there are broad and itemized depictions about a thing, or individual that is being portrayed. In the novel, this is viewed as Jonathan Harper is voyaging and he portrays nearly everything, he does, eat, sees, and so forth. Another utilization of the journal structure is that Bram Stoker can have individuals converse with themselves. So if the individual who is writing in their journal, that individual can make notes to themselves, composing I should get some information about this. So by conversing with themselves as such, he is recording it and they don't in any capacity cause it so they to appear to be weird before open. The beneficial thing about utilizing the journal to compose is that it tends to be utilized reciprocally with periodicals and letters being composed or perused by an individual. Similarly as in a journal, broad depictions and enormous passionate emotions can be communicated and felt by the peruser. Additionally, during the use of letters, two individuals bantering will and can be worked out in exchange structure; along these lines, the two individuals, while talking, won't need to switch tenses after several sentences. At the point when the paper structure is utilized, the peruser can perceive what's going on and will have the option to have an independent mind and they won't must have the book, or somebody in the book clarify what they are perusing to them. So at the end of the day, if a paper is written in the book, the peruser will have the opportunity to think, determine, and reach their own determinations from the article being perused. At the point when the journal structure is utilized, numerous things can go on the double. So one individual can be talking or expounding on something, and afterward another person can likewise be telling about what's going on elsewhere. A model is the place Mina wraps up a diary passage and afterward out of nowhere, another account of Dr. Van Helsing and his patient comes in through another beginning of a journal. An extraordinary thing that is controlled brilliantly with the journal structure is time. Time, which typically can't be changed or moved around, can be reclaimed through an ideal opportunity for things that need to happen when the journal type of account is utilized. For example, after Lucy had composed what was befalling her when her mom died, the story returned in an ideal opportunity for another significant issue to happen. When, there are various individuals of better places, they can be distinguished by how they act and how they talk. On the off chance that, Bram Stoker didn't utilize the journal structure account, this would not be conceivable in such a case that one individual was recounting to the entire story, the peruser would see and hear what the individual recounting to the story heard and recorded. So utilizing, the journal, Bram Stoker could make the peruser see precisely how an individual was talking and acting through the composed tongues. In the novel Dracula, all the journals, of the considerable number of people meet up and at long last, become one amazing, mix of portrayals, realities, that speaks to a gathering overall and the peruser can feel as though they are a piece of the gathering and read, and think alongside the characters. One more thing managing the journal structure is speedy referencing. The peruser, if necessary, can without much of a stretch flip back through the book to search for something that he needs or needs. The journal structure is extraordinary! It allows a peruser to reader, and perceive how characters decipher things themselves. The structure lets discoursed occur, it lets numerous individuals by and large recount to a story in first individual, and it leaves a peruser alone ready to see thickly point by point scenes through an individual that isnt being a nitwit conversing with the person in question self. The journal type of story is fundamentally a type of composing that lets an enormous chance of good approaches to compose into a decent book.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

How To Quickly Build Social Media Proposals That Win Clients

Instructions to Quickly Build Social Media Proposals That Win Clients Internet based life organizations, specialists, and advisors need customers to endure. It takes a consistent convergence of new clients to keep the lights on. That’s particularly evident if your customers will in general go back and forth on a task by-venture premise. Landing customers isn’t simple, however. You have rivalry gunning for a similar business. Your site is likely enhanced to pull in new leads, butâ thats just a large portion of the fight. Once youve met with a lead, youll still need to persuade them youre the best decision for their online networking showcasing spending plan. Elegantly composed online life proposition are vital to shutting bargains. On the off chance that you’re an essayist or advertiser, your business group presumably needs your assistance composing those recommendations, as well. On the off chance that you’re working performance, you may need to show why you’re a superior choice than another specialist or advisor. For what reason Would You Need To Build A Social Media Proposal? Customers need to recognize what you can accomplish for them before they hand over their Visas. They may catch wind of you first through your site, at a gathering, or by overhearing people's conversations. Once you’ve snared their advantage and began talking about your future cooperating, they’ll need an unmistakable understanding recorded as a hard copy. Your partners need to know precisely what you’ll do, and they’ll need something they can demonstrate their supervisor to show you’re worth the cash. This is the place solid proposition become important. They’re a key apparatus forâ showing why you’re the best decision. TIP: Download the free format beneath to place the guidance in this post to use.How To Quickly Build Social Media Proposals That Win Clients (Free Template)Keep Organized With For Agencies Improper plg: we're truly amped up for our as of late propelled organization plans. Presently, it's simpler than at any other time to deal with every one of your customers on one stage (and you'll be reeling them in like insane once you're finished with this post). Searching for additional subtleties? Check them over here. What Do Successful Social Media Proposals Need To Include? Your proposition needs to show your possibility how you can profit their business. It’s not close to home, yet they don’t care about you. They care about what you can accomplish for them. Keep your customer up front while covering every one of the accompanying: What are you going to do. You know you’re not simply going to post beautiful pictures on Facebook. Ensure your customer realizes that as well. How are you going to do it? Which strategies and procedures will you use to accomplish Who’s going to do the work? Which of your colleagues will be taking a shot at the record? For what reason does this all profit your customer, anyway? How is their business going to be changed because of working with you? What amount is this is all going to cost? On the off chance that you’re good,â your benefits presumably don’t come modest. Show why you’re justified, despite all the trouble, and customers will be substantially more ready to sign. Suggested Reading: This Is How To Write For Social Media To Create The Best Posts The most effective method to Build An Awesome Social Media Proposal Step-By-Step Next, let’s see how to assemble a proposition. This should set aside a tad of effort to finish. You need the archive you convey to be point by point, cleaned, and all around arranged. Start By Establishing Goals, Metrics, And Objectives Your planned customer needs to know how your work will profit their business. Legitimately, it bodes well to begin with objectives. These will be the endpoints you move in the direction of. Utilize the SMART Methodology You may have heard us notice SMART goalsâ on the blog (or somewhere else). On the off chance that you’re new, that’s OK. The SMART procedure gives a basic structure to successful objective setting. Set Business Goals For Your Client Next, plot unmistakable business objectives. This could include: Producing leads Raising brand mindfulness and develop brand devotion Expanding deals and income These particular objectives will rely upon your prospect’s business needs. You ought to have some thought what these are after your underlying conversations with them. Decide Metrics You’ll Monitor So as to arrive at your objectives, you’ll need to figure out which measurements matter. Applying the correct information will assist you with knowing whether you’re succeeding, and demonstrate it to your customer. Traffic: How much traffic would you say you are sending to your site? This is regularly key for driving leads. Devotee Growth: The more devotees, the better. Notwithstanding, it’s critical to ensure you’re pulling in the correct devotees (which means, adherents who fit the client’s wanted, target crowd). Commitment: You don’t need to exhaust your crowd. In the event that individuals like your online networking content, they’ll communicate with it. Reach: Sometimes, simply getting your message before individuals is sufficient to impact positive business results. This estimates what number of individuals see a post, regardless of whether they don’t draw in with it. Changes: Driving transformations from natural internet based life isn’t in every case simple. â€Å"Isn’t consistently easy† doesn’t mean â€Å"isn’t possible† however, and it likely could be imperative to your customer that you realize how to transform web based life into an income or lead creating machine. Suggested Reading: How To Track Your Marketing Objectives To Focus On Success Be Intentional About Channel Selection While we’re talking about internet based life recommendations, we should be certain that the range of web based life is expansive. Contingent upon your potential customer, a few channels may bode well more than others. Make certain to tailor your proposition to systems that: Your customer is now on. Your customer needs to assemble a nearness on. Stages you feel your customer ought to be on, however might not have thought of. Be deliberate about choosing web based life channels for clients.Introduce Your Team Members The most solid customers don’t simply pay for ventures. They put resources into associations with your group. They’ll need to know who they’re working with, and what those individuals will be doing. Assist them with placing names to faces in your proposition. Incorporate the accompanying data. Distinguish Roles What capacities do you have in your group? Show your possibility that you have the ranges of abilities required to do what they’re asking from you. Here are some basic jobs: Essayists. Your scholarly ninjas making convincing duplicate that engages and propels crowds. Fashioners. Visual substance virtuosos that will make your client’s social channels put their best self forward. Specialists. Huge picture scholars that draw an obvious conclusion regarding strategies, techniques, and goals. Investigators. Information wizards that let you know what’s working, why it’s working, and how it’s working. Venture chiefs. Proficient feline herders that keep the remainder of your group in line and on schedule. Record chiefs. Your face to your customer. This individual is your prospect’s first purpose of contact for anything they need. Present Team Members Knowing a smidgen about your group (past the work they’ll be doing) can help refine your organization. Include screen captures and speedy profiles laying out their inclinations and interests. Incorporate insights regarding their ranges of abilities. What Services Will You Provide? Anybody can discuss how they’ll â€Å"transform your business† while dropping three-letter abbreviations like â€Å"ROI† and CPC and whatever else. All things considered demonstrating your possibility what you’ll do is increasingly troublesome. This is the place you have to show precisely what sorts of aptitudes you’ve got, and what sort of results you can hope to deliver. Think â€Å"less talk, more rock.† Composing a proposition? Think 'less talk, more rock.'Some models may include: Online networking content creation Battle arranging Social tuning in Examination and estimation How Your Team Will Do It You don’t need to part with every one of your insider facts. Nonetheless, a customer will need to know how you’re going to convey on your guarantees. Consider remembering a portion of the accompanying things for your proposition: A depiction of your procedures and philosophies. What’s one of a kind about the manner in which you work that causes you convey preferable outcomes over your opposition? What devices do you use? Utilizing similar apparatuses can be useful for working together with customers. A reasonable clarification for the particular work you’ll perform. Explicit strategies and methods you’ll use. Why You’ll Do This Work What’s the explanation you’re going to accomplish this work, in any case? Be certain you recognize what your client’s goals are. Some potential targets could include: Expanding brand mindfulness Network building and commitment Driving leads TIP: Tie explicit destinations once again into your customer's general business objectives. Set Clear Schedules And Timelines You don’t need to leave your customer considering what you’re doing while at the same time consuming their spending plan. Tell them when things will be done in advance. This incorporates: Cutoff times for ventures. Courses of events for gatherings and registration. Time allotments to arrive at execution objectives. Suggested Reading: How To Meet Deadlines When You're Sick And Tired Of Missing Them Tips For Setting Deadlines Your customer has to realize when to anticipate that work should be finished. It assists with their own arranging and makes their life simpler. Remember these pointers: Be sensible. Don’t over-guarantee how quick you can complete work. Clear the air regarding how much time it’s going to take to work superbly. Consider yourself responsible. When you set a cutoff time, think of it as unchangeable. Do whatever you need to so as to meet it. In the event that you were reasonable about setting your timetable, you shouldn’t need to pull any dusk 'til dawn affairs. Ensure cutoff times are settled upon. This guarantees a customer can’t attempt t

Friday, July 17, 2020

Annotated Bibliography And Essay Example

Annotated Bibliography And Essay Example Annotated Bibliography And Essay â€" Essay Example > Current Approaches to the Successful Education of Children with Communication DisordersINTRODUCTION Communication impairments affect approximately 10% of childrenworldwide and have a very significant impact on education (seehttp: //www. cincinnatichildrens. org/health/info/speech/diagnose/communication tm). In recent years, researchers and educators have made great strides in determining the causes of communication impairment and effective interventions and educational approaches that may maximise communication skills. Among these approaches are inclusive classrooms that utilize novel educational tools to mainstream many students with communication disorders to enhance their educational and social development. Types and Causes of Communication Impairment Communication disorders encompass a broad spectrum of impairments that may affect speech, hearing and language (Lue, 2001). Mild forms of impairment include stuttering and difficulties with speech articulation and pronunciation. M ore severe communication disorders include aphasia, the inability to speak as well as severe auditory impairment and neurological disorders that affect verbal Communication (Chakrabarti Fombonne, 2001) Among the documented causes of communication disorders are (Learning Disabilities Association of America, 2006): Mental retardation, from Cri-du-chat, Gilles du Tourette and others; Brain injury, including cerebral palsy; Mental retardation; Structural abnormalities of the mouth or face; Hearing loss or impairment; Psychiatric or emotional disorders, including schizophrenia and autism; Developmental disorders; Ischaemic injury such as stroke; Dementia; Excessive alcohol; Emotional or behavioural disorders. Neurological disorders. In many individual cases, however, the cause of communication disorders cannot be precisely identified. “The factors that cause children not to speak are extremely varied. They cannot be reduced to psychological conflict. Nor should we be content to seek an explanation in the neurological side effects of trauma or cognitive failures. All these play some part, but the surest way to bypass a real understanding is to seize upon a single kind of explanation to the exclusion of all others” (Danon-Boileau, 2001, p . 2). Disorders of speech The acquisition of speech involves developmental processes that occur in the early years of life, and require the coordinated use of musculature of the mouth, jaw, neck, chest and abdomen (Lue, 2001). It is estimated that, by the age of 5 years, 5% of children have speech disorders, usually of unknown aetiology (Danon-Boileau, 2001, p. 32). The more common disorders of speech include (Lue, 2001). Dysfluency, characterized by uneven or interrupted flow of speech. Stuttering is the most severe dysfluency that generally occurs during the process of speech development between 2 and 6 years and frequently, but not always, disappears after this developmental stage. The most common dysfluency of childhood i s disarticulation, which involves a failure to pronounce certain sounds appropriately. Disarticulations are a normal part of speech development; however, when they persist beyond the age of 4 or 5 years, intervention may be required. Symptoms of dysfluency include (Lue, 2001): Speech deficit such as stuttering, word repetitions, mumbling; Frustration and/or embarrassment in speaking. Symptoms of articulation deficiencies may include (Lue, 2001): Unintelligible speech (age 3 years)Mispronunciation of consonants or vowels (age 4 years)Distortions and abnormal or absent word patternsVoice disorders involve abnormalities of the pitch, loudness or cadence of speech. This may make communication very difficult, and is often associated with hearing Impairments. Voice sounds are produced by the flow of air from the lungs to vibrate the vocal cords. Voice disorders result from abnormalities in this process, which may result from vocal cord dysfunction.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Potential Benefits Of Adjuvant Therapy - 3460 Words

. In addition to patient perspectives on their treatment options and findings from a brief GA, a further consideration in estimating potential benefits of adjuvant therapy is the patient’s estimated life expectancy, to determine whether they are likely to live long enough to benefit from the treatment. Chronologic age is an integral component of such estimates; however, it is by no means a sufficient consideration. As our two clinical cases illustrate, two 70 year old breast cancer patients can have very different underlying health, physical activity, and social support systems and require a treatment approach that reflects these differences (Figure 1). It can be particularly challenging for physicians to estimate the life expectancy of their patients, especially for patients in advanced stages of cancer [35]. Fortunately, several tools are available to aid in the estimation of life expectancy in a variety of different patient populations (e.g. community dwelling or nursing ho me) and life expectancy time frame [36]. Many of these tools are available in an online calculator format on the â€Å"ePrognosis† website ( For example the Lee- Schonberg index intakes into account the patient’s age, gender, body mass index, comorbidities, cigarette smoking, physical activity, previous hospitalizations, and limitations in activities of daily living due to physical, mental, emotional or cognitive problems to estimates the patient’s life expectancy [37-40]. None of theseShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Potential Therapeutic Targets?981 Words   |  4 PagesTherefore, a cancer that involves a mutation in these BRAC1 and BRAC2 genes (BRCAness) can be effectively treated with PARP1 inhibitors, which may represent very efficient therapies for TNBC because of the high sensitivity of these tumours to the inhibitor and moreimportantly, it is devoid of harmful effects on the remaining healthy cells. This contrasts with conventional chemothera pies, which are highly toxic to all cells and can provoke DNA damage in healthy cells that may further lead to secondaryRead MoreGenetic Testing Services Under Ms. Gelch Essay1143 Words   |  5 Pagesstates: â€Å"When claim number 201512106349125 (Genomic Health Inc.) was initially processed, it was denied as services that are experimental/investigational are not a covered benefit. The Oncotype DX colon cancer assay procedure is a genetic test. Ms. Gelch s policy specifically excludes coverage for genetic testing. There is no benefit available for genetic testing services under Ms. Gelch s policy.† There is a letter from Patrick Jensen at Genomic Health, Inc., dated 08/05/2016, that states: â€Å"Ms.Read MoreComplications Of Cancer And Treatments996 Words   |  4 Pages(breathlessness), and metastasis (cancer that spreads) (Mayo Clinic - Complications, 2016). Pain is one of the main physical complications, as the nerves surrounding the tissues feel the pressure due to growing tumor. Pain medications and alternate therapies like massage, yoga, and acupuncture can help patients to cope up with the pain (Mayo Clinic - Complications, 2016). Fatigue can be caused by the side effects of treatments as well and physical and mental distress. Fatigue can be managed through balancedRead MorePIK3C Case Study1100 Words   |  5 Pagesamplification. Other studies have explored whether HER2 gene amplification has a predictive role in predicting response to anti-EGFR therapy, but results have been contradictory. 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(ReidRead MoreA Brief Note On The Mammalian Target Of Rapamycin ( Mtor )1489 Words   |  6 Pagesversus combination tamoxifen and everolimus.[23] The combination treatment was associated with higher clinical benefit rate CBR (42% vs 61%; P =.045), and time to progression (TTP) (4.5 vs 8.6 months; hazard ratio [HR] =0.54; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.36–0.81; P = .002). When patients were stratified based on primary hormone resistance, defined as relapse during adjuvant AI therapy or progression within 6 months of AI treatment in the metastatic setting, or secondary hormone resistance, definedRead MorePatients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Emotion Regulation Therapy694 Words   |  3 PagesZautra et al. (2003) examined emotion regulation intervention against cognitive-behavioural therapy and a control condition. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis were provided with mindfullness and emotion regulation therapy (teaching skills to increase awareness, acceptance, and management of negative emotions, CBT for pain management, or health education (for control). Results showed that CBT outperformed mindfulness, but emotion regulation improved pain control, especially for patients with a historyRead MoreModern Medicine Must Not Be Possible Without The Discovery Of Antibiot ics1472 Words   |  6 Pagesor counterfeit medication being distributed and people would receive effective, more affordable treatments. Making antibiotics available after diagnosis and only by prescription, would help to decrease misuse and increase patient education about benefits and adverse effects of antibiotics (Laxminarayan et al., 2013). Even though some uses of antibiotics are highly regulated and carefully considered, they can still play a role in resistance. Prophylactic antibiotics make life saving proceduresRead MoreVaccine : Chromium Release Assay For Measure Cd4 +1476 Words   |  6 Pagesproliferation and ELISPOT to measure B cell responses. Tumour regression will be looked for using MRI techniques and visually on the skin. In all phases of clinical trials, patients that can no longer benefit from approved treatments will be used. Stage 3 and 4 patients only will be used due to potential side effects. Patients that do not respond to treatment after 6 months will be removed from the program. Patients that do respond will participate in the trials until death and will be monitored everyRead MoreLipase Inhibitor : Causes And Adverse Effects1576 Words   |  7 Pagesmg dose under prescription) and in Alli (Orlistat 60 mg dose over the counter). Dr Sidney Wolfe, Director of Public Citizen s Health Research Grou p, declared to the press that, These drugs have the potential to cause significant damage to multiple critical organs, yet they provide meager benefits in reducing weight loss in obese and overweight patients. According to this group, Orlistat should be banned because of increasing evidence that it causes liver damage, kidney stones and pancreatitis

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Wendys - 7606 Words

Wendy Company Report to the Turnaround Committee Prepared By: ABC Consulting, LLC Bryant Perez August 12, 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Executive Summary Background Competition and the Market Field Reports and Competitive Analysis Problems Recommendations Summary Pro-Forman Income Statement Pro-Forma Balance Sheet Notes to Pro-Forma Statements Appendix A: Competitors amp; Ratios Appendix B: Field Reports Appendix C: Product Analysis Appendix D: Restructuring Timeline Executive Summary Wendy’s is currently the world’s 2nd largest quick-service hamburger company, operating 1,438 stores and franchising 5,177 store in the U.S. and 27†¦show more content†¦and 27 countries In 1970, Dave Thomas opened his second store which featured a state of the art drive-up window. In 1976 Wendy’s went public and opened its 500th store. In 1979, Wendy’s introduced the still popular â€Å"Where’s the Beef† advertising campaign. Following Dave Thomas’ vision, Wendy’s commits to ‘redefining quality’. Wendy’s states â€Å"our promise is to only use the freshest ingredients to create the best-tasting food for you. Quality is out promise and our recipe.† To that end, Wendy’s uses ‘fresh never frozen’ ingredients and make its food to order. In national taste tests, Wendy’s consistently outranks the competition in terms of quality and taste. Competition and the Market Wendy’s falls into the Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) industry. Their market is primarily driven by the demand from consumers for fast food products and services. This industry strives on high volume, low cost, and speedy service. In this industry it is not uncommon for food to be pre-prepared and re-heated for consumption. The result of this is customers are able to eat a familiar meal at each location, with standard menu’s and marketing across the entire market. Headquartered out of Columbus Ohio, The Wendy’s Company competes worldwide. With the majority of their operations in North America/Latin America, unlike their competitors Wendy’s has yet to venture in toShow MoreRelatedWendys International, Inc.1409 Words   |  6 PagesBurger King holding shares of approximately 2% each. Even though Wendy’s is number three in the hamburger chain, in 1990 Wendy’s was voted as having the best food in fast food burgers business, the best menu variet y and the most pleasant atmosphere. ANSWERS: Wendy’s is attempting to set themselves apart from their primary competitors of McDonald’s and Burger King by focusing on the following strategic advantages approaches: 1. Wendy’s website is user friendly and it shows that the company notRead MoreWendys Costing Methods4208 Words   |  17 PagesUVA-C-2206 WENDY’S CHILI: A COSTING CONUNDRUM What happens to a successful company when it loses its founder, senior chairman, advertising icon, and beloved leader? That was the question being asked about Wendy’s International, Inc., in January 2002 after Dave Thomas, 69, passed away from cancer. In the words of Jack Schuessler, the company’s chairman and CEO, â€Å"Dave was our patriarch. He was the heart and soul of our company.† Without him, the company would never be the same. However, Dave Read MoreManagerial Accounting -Wendys937 Words   |  4 PagesPam Powers MBA 516 Case Study: Wendy’s Chili: A costing Conundrum Dave Thomas was a man with a vision. He began his career in Columbus, Ohio in 1969 when he purchased a Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) franchise that was unprofitable. Dave turned that franchise into a profitable business and sold it back to KFC at a substantial profit. Dave had also co-founded Arthur Treacher’s Fish amp; Chips and was very familiar with the quick-service industry. However, hamburgers were Dave’s favoriteRead MoreCase Analysis: Profitability of Wendys Chilli.1657 Words   |  7 PagesDave Thomas, the founder of Wendys restaurant, opened his first restaurant on November 15, 1969 in Columbus, Ohio. Dave was born in Atlantic City, New Jersey on July 2, 1932. He was adopted at six weeks old by Rex and Auleva Thomas. Dave moved from state to state with his father when his mother passed at the age of 5. At the age of 12, Dave obtained his first job at a restaurant in Knoxville. Thus, he began his love for the restaurant business. At the age of 15, Dave drop ped out of high school toRead MoreWendys: Change Over Time Essay examples1780 Words   |  8 PagesHow and why has Wendy’s changed over time to become the restaurant it is today? Wendy’s is a quick serve, fast food burger chain, and is famous for their square patty, fresh, never frozen hamburgers. They are also well known for their catchy advertising and slogan’s. Wendy’s became the restaurant it is today through rapid expansion, the addition of new menu items, and incorporating creative advertising, all while never losing its identity of producing the freshest products with the freshest ingredientsRead MoreWendy s The Third Largest Fast Food Company1737 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Wendy’s is the third largest fast-food company in the United States. They are one of the most successful and profitable hamburger stores in the world. Through this, the industry is in a quagmire. One company is going to break through and develop a technique in which they will be able to limit the expenses and increase profit margin while adding stores. The company hat is able to develop this first will be able to control the fast-food industry. Wendy’s has the ability to do it by acknowledgingRead MoreFast Foods : Fast Food Restaurants834 Words   |  4 Pagesof the foods served? When one is choosing to eat at one of these restaurants, they may just simply choose one without evaluating things such as food quality, prices, and service experience. Two of these major food chains are Burger King and Wendy’s with Wendy’s placing third out of the most popular food chains in the world behind MacDonald’s and Burger King. When passing by one of these places, the first thing consumers notice is the huge sign in front of the restaurant whose main purpose is to attractRead MoreEssay about Organizational Structure- Mgt/2301127 Words   |  5 PagesMartha Miranda MGT/230 6/20/12 Kelley Parker Abstract The central thesis of this paper examines the organizational structures of McDonalds, Burger King, and Wendy’s food restaurants. It will examine the comparison and contrast of the organizational structure of McDonalds with Burger King, and Wendy’s Corporations. What functions influence McDonalds, and explains how the organizational design helps determine the structure that best suits McDonalds needs, as a business. OrganizationalRead MoreMcdonald’s Essay2988 Words   |  12 Pages There is much reluctance of competitors to imitate the successful efforts of another firm in their industry. And the only way to be successful by imitating is to beyond the original one. This idea can be proved by the example of McDonald’s and Wendy’s. McDonald’s Corporation is the world’s largest chain of hamburger fast food restaurants, serving around 68 million customers daily in 119 countries. Headquartered in the United States, the company began in 1940 as a barbecue restaurant operated byRead MoreSwot Analysis : Burger King1234 Words   |  5 Pageswas definitely one of its strongest asset. 2- WEAKNESSES: Wendy’s also offered several unique products such as Frost’s and Spicy Chicken Sandwich, as well as many healthy alternatives like salads, baked potatoes and even chili. 2-WEAKNESSES: There is a one weak point in Wendy’s business plan is that there was the lack of an easily recognizable product comparable to McDonald’s Big Mac or Burger King’s Whopper. 3-OPPURTUNITIES: Wendy’s, early on sought to distinguish itself in a rapidly growing

The Vampire Diaries The Struggle Chapter Sixteen Free Essays

Long ago, in the dark side streets of Florence, starving, frightened, and exhausted, Stefan had made himself a vow. Several vows, in fact, about using the Powers he sensed within himself, and about how to treat the weak, blundering, but still-human creatures around him. Now he was going to break them all. We will write a custom essay sample on The Vampire Diaries: The Struggle Chapter Sixteen or any similar topic only for you Order Now As he’d thought, the surge of Power had passed over Bonnie and Meredith and followed him, but it had receded again, and was now drawn back, waiting. He wouldn’t let it wait long. Unencumbered by the burden of Elena’s body, he broke into a predator’s lope on the empty road. The freezing sleet and wind didn’t bother him much. His hunter’s senses pierced through them. He turned them all to the task of locating the prey he wanted. No thinking of Elena now. Later, when this was over. Tyler and his friends were still in the Quonset hut. Good. They never knew what was coming as the window burst into flying glass shards and the storm blew inside. Stefan meant to kill when he seized Tyler by the neck and sank his fangs in. That had been one of his rules, not to kill, and he wanted to break it. But another of the toughs came at him before he had quite drained Tyler of blood. The guy wasn’t trying to protect his fallen leader, only to escape. It was his bad luck that his route took him across Stefan’s path. Stefan flipped him to the ground and tapped the new vein eagerly. The hot coppery taste revived him, warmed him, flowed through him like fire. It made him want more. Power. Life. They had it; he needed it. With the glorious rush of strength that came with what he’d already drunk, he stunned them easily. Then he moved from one to another, drinking deep and throwing them away. It was like popping tops on a six-pack. He was on the last when he saw Caroline huddling in the corner. His mouth was dripping as he raised his head to look at her. Those green eyes, usually so narrow, showed white all around like those of a terrified horse. Her lips were pale blurs as she gabbled soundless pleas. He pulled her to her feet by the green sashes at her waist. She was moaning, her eyes rolling up in their sockets. He wound his hand in her auburn hair to position the exposed throat where he wanted it. His head reared back to strike – and Caroline screamed and went limp. He dropped her. He’d had enough anyway. He was bursting with blood, like an overfed tick. He had never felt so strong, so charged with elemental power. Now it was time for Damon. He went out of the Quonset hut the same way he’d come in. But not in human form. A hunting falcon soared out the window and wheeled into the sky. The new shape was wonderful. Strong†¦ and cruel. And its eyes were sharp. It took him where he wanted, skimming over the oak trees of the woods. He was looking for a particular clearing. Stefan ripped bloody strips out of his arms and heard Damon’s answering scream of pain and anger. I’m not your weak little brother any more. He sent the thought down to Damon on a stunning blast of Power.And this time I’ve come for your blood. He felt the backwash of hatred from Damon, but the voice in his mind was mocking.So this is the thanks I get for saving you and your betrothed ? Stefan’s wings folded and he dived again, his whole world narrowed to one objective. Killing. He went for Damon’s eyes, and the stick Damon had picked up whistled past his new body. His talons tore into Damon’s cheek and Damon’s blood ran. Good. You shouldn’t have left me alive, he told Damon.You should have killed both of us at once. I’ll be glad to correct the mistake! Damon had been unprepared before, but now Stefan could feel his drawing Power, arming himself, standing ready.But first you might tell me whom I’m supposed to have killed this time. The falcon’s brain could not deal with the riot of emotions the taunting question called up. Screaming wordlessly, it plummeted on Damon again, but this time the heavy stick struck home. Injured, one wing hanging, the falcon dropped behind Damon’s back. Stefan changed to his own form at once, scarcely feeling the pain of his broken arm. Before Damon could turn, he grabbed him, the fingers of his good hand digging into his brother’s neck and spinning him around. When he spoke, it was almost gently. â€Å"Elena,† he said, whispered, and went for Damon’s throat. It was dark, and very cold, and someone was hurt. Someone needed help. But she was terribly tired. Elena’s eyelids fluttered and opened and that took care of the darkness. As for the cold†¦ she was bone-cold, freezing, chilled to the marrow. And no wonder; there was ice all over her. Somewhere, deep down, she knew it was more than that. What had happened? She’d been at home, asleep – no, this was Founders’ Day. She’d been in the cafeteria, on the stage. Someone’s face had looked funny. It was too much to cope with; she couldn’t think. Disembodied faces floated before her eyes, fragments And so tired. Better go back to sleep then. The ice wasn’t really that bad. She started to lie down, and then the cries came to her again. She heard them, not with her ears, but with her mind. Cries of anger and of pain. Someone was very unhappy. She sat quite still, trying to sort it all out. There was a quiver of movement at the edge of her vision. A squirrel. She could smell it, which was strange because she’d never smelled a squirrel before. It stared at her with one bright black eye and then it scampered up the willow tree. Elena realized she’d made a grab for it only when she came up empty with her fingernails digging into bark. Now that was ridiculous. What onearth did she want a squirrel for? She puzzled over it for a minute, then lay back down, exhausted. The cries were still going on. She tried to cover her ears, but that did nothing to block them out. Someone was hurt, and unhappy, and fighting. That was it. There was a fight going on. All right. She’d figured it out. Now she could sleep. She couldn’t, though. The cries beckoned to her, drew her toward them. She felt an irresistible need to follow them to their source. Andthen she could go to sleep. After she saw†¦ him. Oh, yes, it was coming back now. She rememberedhim. He was the one who understood her, who loved her. He was the one she wanted to be with forever. His face appeared out of the mists in her mind. She considered it lovingly. All right, then. Forhim she would get up and walk through this ridiculous sleet until she found the proper clearing. Until she could join him. Then they’d be together. The very thought of him seemed to warm her. There was a fire inside him that few people could see. She saw it, though. It was like the fire inside her. He seemed to be having some sort of trouble at the moment. At least, there was a lot of shouting. She was close enough to hear it with her ears as well as her mind now. There, beyond that grandfather oak tree. That was where the noise was coming from. He was there, with his black, fathomless eyes, and his secret smile. And he needed her help. She would help him. Shaking ice crystals out of her hair, Elena stepped into the clearing in the wood. How to cite The Vampire Diaries: The Struggle Chapter Sixteen, Essay examples

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Mustard Seed Yellow free essay sample

The room was silentempty. I sat there waiting and worrying about what would happen next. Would the student stay attached to their parents? Will my class be big? Small? Loud? Silent? The first student arrives on my first day of teaching and I greet the parents with a smile. Before I realized it, it is me alone with 10 children, on our first day of Sunday school. My words are shaky and quiet. We all sit down at a child sized table, staring at a bin of markers and coloring sheets. Nervous of no response, I begin by asking all the students for their names and their favorite color. One brave little boy, short with blonde hair says his name is Tanner and, after asking the whole class shares their favorite colors, he begins to tell the class a story about why his favorite color is yellow. I suddenly find myself smiling as a wave of relief rushes over the classroom. We will write a custom essay sample on Mustard Seed Yellow or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The class slowly builds off of Tanner’s story. A little boy named Ethan says he has an older brother and explains how his big soccer game is next week, while Regan informs me of her gluten free allergy and what that means for snacks in the class. As the conversation moves from student to student, I realize that its not just teaching and learning that makes me show up every Sunday, but the personal experiences and stories I get to hear from each child. After hearing Tanner confidently speak in a loud voice about his obsession with the color yellow, I change my lesson plans on the spot. Instead of teaching the story of Adam and Eve, I pull the story of the yellow mustard seed from the shelf. The story of the smallest mustard seed that grew into the greatest of the herbs, with coloring sheets and crafts, all revolved around Tanner. The excited students began to talk and speak of their favorite colors, or the stories and experiences they had in this class last year, such as the time they performed a skit of David and Goliath, or when they had blue Jell-O and sour patch kids signifying Jesus walking on water. The quiet little girls became social butterflies, and the roaring big boys learned to listen. Reagan talked more about her two sisters while Ethan, although eager to speak, stayed quiet. My lesson plans became customized and determined by the mood and topic of conversation in class. The students created their own class and way of learning while I learned that connecting with my students is the most important aspect of teaching. Tanners favorite color was no longer yellow. Instead it was the color of a mustard seed.