Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Why Adopt A Vegetarian Diet - 1116 Words

Running Head: WHY ADOPT A VAGETARIEN DIET Cathy Wu Why Adopt a Vegetarian Diet Instructor: Emily Ryan ELD103 Writing Camosun College March 29th, 2016 Why Adopt a Vegetarian Diet Paul McCartney (1975) had said: â€Å"If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian.† Recently, to be a vegetarian is still a controversial issue that attracts people’s attention, so the word â€Å"vegetarian† frequently appears on TV advertisement, restaurants or markets. As its name suggests, vegetarian defines someone who lives on a diet of vegetables, fruits, dairy and nuts and they reject eating meat or any products of slaughter. Human used to be the meat-eater, people believed meat gives us protein, also strength; however,†¦show more content†¦Calves, for example, they are raised in the very small crates that they couldn’t walk or turn around, the workers violently kicking and punching, make them live in the fear of violence every day. Death is brutal. Human should have the compassion for these lovely animals rather than keep killing and eating them. For this ethic reason, people should reject cruelty and choose to adopt a vegetarian diet, which is more moral and helping animals get rid of the suffering. Moreover, people cannot morally justify the pain and sufferings of animals. There is a popular but controversial topic that it is hard to imagine if human is at the bottom of the food chain, human will be treated like those suffering animal, and the animal can freely kill the human just for their daily foods. Consequently, it’s moral and ethical for people to have a meat-free diet to stop the cruelty to animals because animals are as same as human, all of them have rights to continue their lives. Secondly, some vegetarians choose to switch meat diet to vegetation diet for environmental reasons. Nowadays, nearly a third of all the Earth’s land is used for livestock production, which is seriously endanger our environment. Meat production requires unsustainable levels of precious resources, like lands, water, and energy. For example,

Monday, December 23, 2019

Why Women Failed to Gain the Right to Vote Between 1900...

Why Women Failed to Gain the Right to Vote Between 1900 and 1914 In the 19th century, the voting system was classed as un-equal. In some parts of the world men could vote for who they wanted to govern them, whereas in other parts, only small groups of men could depending on their wealth and eminence. The status of women in England at this time was simple; they stayed at home, cleaned, cooked, cared for their children and took care of their husbands. Women were not allowed to vote or have any say in the way their country was run, or whom it was run by. Many women resented this way of life. They too paid taxes, owned properties and land just as the men did, but they didnt get the same†¦show more content†¦They held meetings in which they planned and derived new ways of convincing people of their willingness and able ness to work, fight, learn and sweat just as men did. They wrote pamphlets and leaflets explaining their motives for campaigning for such a cause and their opinions on the governments perception of them, they believed that women were not taken seriously enough and that something should be done to change this. They set up many petitions and sent them to parliment to show how many women agreed with their views, and also tried to gain support from MPs although they believed that their views and opinions were neglected from debate and omitted from conversation, during parliament gatherings. Although this seems like a great deal of effort and determination that should have got them somewhere, it did not; it was almost a waste of time. The prime minister strongly opposed the idea of women being able to vote or be independent, and most government parties thought this also. They believed that these women had no knowledge of politics, were emotionally unstable, and should not be taken seriously. Most political parties didnt not want to break with tradition by letting these women vote, and did not want to upset the unity of the parties or the natural order of things-quotes from Prime Minister Asquith. The secondShow MoreRelatedExploring Why Women Failed to Gain the Right to Vote Between 1900 and 1914668 Words   |  3 PagesExploring Why Women Failed to Gain the Right to Vote Between 1900 and 1914 There were several reasons that women did not gain the right to vote between 1900 and 1914, both long-term and short-term. Long-term reasons include the opinion many people held at the time that women and men had ‘separate spheres’. They believed that women belonged in the private sphere- in charge of bringing up children, cooking etc and men should be in the public sphere- work, politics etcRead MoreEssay about The Changing Role and Status of Women in Britain Since 19001679 Words   |  7 PagesThe Changing Role and Status of Women in Britain Since 1900 1. 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Name: Institution: Date: Please write on top of each of your exams its exact title as its appear below, making sure your answers are itemized (i.e., answer the points ONE BY ONE, and not combine them).  ITEMIZE YOUR ANSWERS   Mid Term Exam Compare and contrast the evolution of democracy in Iran and Turkey, from 1900 to present.  In process of writing your exam, you must provide the following

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Chapter 5 Quickbooks Key Free Essays

Peterson is a manufacturer of industry-leading Whole Tree Chippers and Debarkers, Horizontal Grinders, and Blower Trucks and Trailers. Peterson Pacific Corp. has been an Oregon Corporation since 1981. We will write a custom essay sample on Chapter 5 Quickbooks Key or any similar topic only for you Order Now The company began as Wilbur Peterson amp; Sons, a heavy construction company. Peterson expanded into manufacturing to develop equipment to suit their land clearing/construction needs. A portable chain flail Delimber-Debarker was designed first, the Model DD 4800. The Model DDC 5000, a portable Delimber-Debarker-Chipper, was developed next followed by the development of other portable equipment for the paper pulp industry. The A/P Clerk is responsible for the entire accounts payable function, petty cash management, and other accounting activities. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: †¢Represents Peterson in a positive and professional manner at all times. †¢Matching receiving and PO documents to vendor invoices. †¢Verifying amp; investigating discrepancies of PO/invoice/receivers. †¢Price, units, terms, extensions †¢Maintain A/P tub file, vendor master files amp; all A/P filing records amp; reports. †¢Maintain Dynamics maintenance (Qtrly) amp; history purge. Maintain/manage A/P check stock amp; safepay (positive pay) transmittals. †¢Generate and distribute checks. †¢Maintain amp; file batch postings, transaction amp; check run postings †¢Accrue A/P at month end. †¢Posting A/P transactions to general ledger daily. †¢Generating A/P reports for month-end including A/P detail aging and year-end (including 1099’s). †¢Process A/P Invoice Discrepancies forms. REQUIREMENTS: †¢Systems oriented (Microsoft GreatPlains Dynamics, Max Exact MRP, Excel, Word for Windows desired). †¢Minimum 3 years of previous A/P experience. Ability to handle high transactional volume workload †¢Strong interpersonal skills (interfaces with vendors and internal departments). †¢Detail and procedural oriented †¢Accurate †¢Ability to calculate figures and amounts such as discounts, interest, commissions, proportions, percentages. Ability to apply concepts of basic algebra and geometry. Emphasis placed on accuracy in transposing and accounting calculations. †¢Ability to understand basic accounting relationships between Assets, Liabilities and Equity. †¢Strong problem solving skills Strong filing and organizational skills †¢Communications Skills: Must be able to demonstrate skill in communicating with supervisors and co-workers. Must express criticisms ;amp; concerns in a way that promotes teamwork and a positive work environment. †¢Must be able to understand and maintain strict confidentiality For more information, or to apply now, please go to the website below. Please do not email your resume to us as we only accept applications through our website. http://peterson. iapplicants. com/ViewJob-360933. html How to cite Chapter 5 Quickbooks Key, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Contemporary Strategy Business Analysis

Question: Discuss about the Contemporary Strategy Business Analysis. Answer: Introduction: Globally, there are various organizations which are started by business persons. The firms are created with the aim of making profits while others for the objective of helping the community or for charitable works. Organizations can be owned by individuals, other business, groups, etc. Management deals with how the activities of any organization are run for the achievement of the ultimate goals. Management is carried out by the owners of the team or by delegating the work to the managers but which surveillance of what happens in the business. All organization has a goal to achieve and to do so they must have clearly stated strategies which are mainly the guidelines on how work is done effectively. Guidelines also state the rules and regulations that govern the organization hence solving any disputes that may arise anytime. The community or the consumers of the company products or services are the markets of the group. Market share is the extent of a market that the organization contr ols and it determines the amounts of sales it makes. Big market shares lead to high profits for the group thus its success, and a small market share leads to losses leading to organization failure. Anybody can be open and do business within the countries boundaries while other agencies' can do business in other nations outside the origin country's boundaries. Carrying of business globally is doing business in all over the world without any limitation. The global market is a technique of any business to expand its markets. These document outlines giving example management of any organization in the world market. Changes in the business world have changed the execution of business activities. Technology has to lead the world to be a global market for creativity and innovations. People all over the world can communicate freely and easily with each other as communication is effective. These are international business which enhances globalization. International trade may be by the company selling the goods or services to foreign countries through brokers or setting up branches in the countries. Globalization is simply the opening of the world to enable people to do business all over the world making them have a wider market for their goods and services they produce. Globalization has done business to look for new markets, raw materials, labor both skilled and non-skilled all over the world and this has increased sales and cut on the spending costs. However, business globally has led to many shortcomings like posing a great challenge to the countries companies as international companies have enor mous resources, it exposes the business to high risks as there is an uncertainty of the business success or failure. May lead to misunderstandings in the management of the different branches in the foreign countries, etc. Coca-Cola company is a beverage company producing non-alcoholic drinks which are ready for the human consumption globally. The company in the Asian Pacific Region has branches in Australia, New Zeeland, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, and Samoa. Over the past years, the company has grown to be a multi-billion international company making massive sales. The sales have resulted in high profits margins for the company and its success. It is one of the leading competitors in the beverage industry as it's a market leader. The company success is due to the management when the strategies of doing business are clearly stated making operation easier. The company has qualified managers with experience and staff knowledgeable of the requirements. Through the apparent observance of the 4p's of management the company has grown tremendously. The 4p's are; planning the execution its activities in the best manner, prioritizing the requirements of the organization dealing with matters as per their urgency, perspective which is checking all the possibilities of the business as they are faced with many risks and eventually being patience in the firm. International trade does not immediately after the commencement of business start making profits, but it may take time, and thus patience is needed to achieve the intended goal and objectives. Consistency is key to attract the market to have total trust in the goods and services offered. Coca-cola company has done promotion of its products through intensive advertisements throughout the world. These has popularized the brand and created awareness among the people. Additionally, it motivates both the employees and the customers building loyalty. Employees are given salary increment, job promotions, etc. while the customers get price discounts, free samples among many other things from the company. Corporation values the stakeholders, and this reduces the wrangles or disputes experience (Armus, 2005, p.273). According to H. Igor Ansoff (1957), business leaders must have strategies when trying to ensure the growth of their businesses. Growth is in four quadrants which are market development (a new market for the existing products), market penetration (existing products for existing market), diversification (new markets for new products) and product development (new products for the existing markets). International business means going into a new market, and they may choose to use the existing products of their companies or simply through creativity and innovation create new products to sell in the new market. Therefore, it is the work of the management team to make the right decisions on the diversification strategies. Since international business has high risks actions must be taken with caution not to cause failure of the firm (pp.113-124). Finally, all business activities are not a guarantee of success, but it is for the management to manage all the stakeholders, control all the activities it undertakes, offers proper leadership and make the right decisions. All these factors lead to better management and success of the business. International trade is beneficial for any business but only when adequate research is undertaken to ensure few or no mistakes made. Business must organize themselves to be more competitive in the international market to able to take advantage of globalization. Planning of duties must be well, and all stakeholders hold responsible for their actions. Accountability should be for all without any discrimination to ensure growth and development of the business (Griffin, and Pustay, 2012). Bibliography Ansoff, H.I., 1957. Strategies for diversification.Harvard business review,35(5), pp.113-124. Armus, S., 2005. Coca-Cola Company.France and the Americas: Culture, Politics, and History: A Multidisciplinary Encyclopedia,1, p.273. Berry, C.H., 2015.Corporate growth and diversification. Princeton University Press. De George, R.T., 1993. Competing with integrity in international business. Grant, R.M., 2016.Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and cases edition. John Wiley Sons. Griffin, R.W. and Pustay, M.W., 2012.International business. Pearson Higher Ed. Miller, K.D., 1992. A framework for integrated risk management in international business.Journal of international business studies,23(2), pp.311-331. Porter, M.E., 2008.Competitive strategy: Techniques for analyzing industries and competitors. Simon and Schuster. Rajagopalan, K.K., 2016. Global trends in supply chain management.ZENITH International Journal of Business Economics Management Research,6(1), pp.99-112.