Friday, February 14, 2020

Performance Management For a Profit Organization Thesis

Performance Management For a Profit Organization - Thesis Example This section summarizes the study or the convenience of the readers. The first section of the study is the introductory part which includes a background of performance management and its external and internal factors. The external factors which affect performance management are share prices, environment of the market, competition, reputation, regulatory environment, etc. On the other hand the internal factors are the employees, management, labor unions, suppliers, etc. The performance management techniques and produces utilized by profit-making organization are effective or non-effective would be identified through the research that is done in this study. The critical review of the literature contradicted the stated problem of this research. The problem was that the current performance management procedure or practices are not effective. However, the critical review of literature has been put forward to prove the fact that the present performance management frameworks in profit-making organizations are proving to be effective. The literature review has been streamlined with research objectives and problem areas in order to find an effective solution. The traditional performance management framework was based on remuneration and financial performance of the company. The employees, their skill, and performance appraisal was planed based on their last drawn salary of the individual. However, this scenario has changed now. The performance, productivity, creativity, skill, and enthusiasm of the employees to contribute towards the sustainability of the company are taken into account in case of performance management as well as performance appraisal. Training and development are very effective in such case because the low performing employees are not punished, but they are given the opportunity to enhance their skill and knowledge, so that they can also pull themselves up. In the research methodology part it has

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Recommendations and Strategic Message Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Recommendations and Strategic Message - Essay Example One front desk staff can lead to many problems, which include the hotel’s lack of modern technology facilities to increase service provision. For example, lack of speed hinders the outcome of the check-process thus translating in poor output performances, which further lead to a reduction in profit margins (Mackenzie, 2011). Arguably, it is evident that guests pay for the established amount of money to have these services, and they remain extremely dissatisfied whenever they are unable to acquire those services profusely. According to the amassed observations, Grant Hotel is the main competitor, and it seems to be doing better in speed than Baldwin Hotel (Tripadvisor, 2013). Convincingly, the situation persists because Grant Hotel’s management assigns at least two receptionists at the front desk in each shift. Contextually, the internal and external strategic criterion that seeks to correct such failures in the front desk would be the appropriate resolution to acquiring the profitable outcomes, and increased clientele in the organization. The approach coincides to the hotel’s values and objectives. The Grant Hotel’s front desk is able to serve two guests in every single check-in process, a strategy that acquaints the hotel an advantage to avoid queues while still saving time (Hotel Internet Marketing, 2013). Baldwin Hotel room key system is causing a problem for the slow check-in. The accommodation system further faces inefficiencies that emanate from the key-handling system of the hotel. Mainly, the key-handling system in Baldwin Hotel is not connected to the point of sale (POS) system that enables the staff to be certain of the accommodated rooms. Consequently, the duration that each of the guests accommodates the rooms shall possibly pilfer (Mackenzie, 2011). Therefore, inconveniences would in the process of executing charges that each would be expected to pay to the accounts department. Recommendations and strategic message Baldw in Hotel is unable to preset the keys before the time of accommodating other guest thus; there exist misconceptions and dire interruptions because the staff tends to confuse the billing system. On the other hand, Grant Hotel has keys preset and ready to be issued to the guest when they just check-in, a variable that serves as a competitive advantage since the customers are able to get the keys without feeling any form of distress (Tripadvisor, 2013). The process further leads to increased speed by handing the keys to the guests after their check-ins as opposed to Baldwin Hotel, which holds the guests in waiting after their completion of the check-in process. The highest rate of competition in the San Francisco market from Grant Hotel has further suppressed the hotel management’s efforts to acquire the desired profit turnover and consumer population. Presumably, it would be advantageous to the hotel for the check-in process to be incorporated with POS system, which would ensur e prompt updates of every process in the hotel’s reception. Imposing a hiring process of another employee, Baldwin Hotel would be aiming to accrue benefits since it would be able to save its