Thursday, October 31, 2019

Communication in Emergency Response Research Paper - 1

Communication in Emergency Response - Research Paper Example The fundamental role of communication during emergency response remains to transfer information to the relevant individuals in order to make response become quicker and easier. Improvement of the communication systems remains a fundamental aspect for ensuring an effective response. During natural disasters like the Hurricane Katrina, minimizing the detrimental effects of the natural disaster would have involved enhancing communication channels between different government departments and other stakeholders involved within the calamity. Information had to be transferred to the populations regarding warnings of approaching hurricane to ensure the individuals were evacuated in time. The fundamental goal established by the responsible authorities at the time was ensuring minimization of the suffering and deaths resulting from the effects of the hurricane. This fundamental goal would be achieved through many activities undertaken by different organizations. The activities included evacuation of affected individuals, provision of food and other basic needs to the victims, provision of medical services among many others. Many of these activities were aimed at minimizing suffering among the affected populations. Effective communication between the various organizations was therefore essential in ensuring the activities were undertaken effectively. With many organizations undertaking a single activity, like evacuation, lack of communication could slow the process and render the process difficult.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

IT Management Essay Example for Free

IT Management Essay Database management is an important aspect of any modern organization given the massive growth of data volumes as a result of regulations on data storage as well as the increase in transactions and communication channels. This paper presents issues arising form the task of managing information through its lifecycle; specifically for companies based on PeopleSoft, SAP, Siebel, CRM, Oracle E-business suite, supplier relationship management (SRM) or ERP applications which are increasingly being affected by expanding data volumes within them. The article brings into perspective, ILM; which seeks to optimize on data by employing processes, policies tools and practices essential in linking the information’s business value with the most cost effective and appropriate IT systems from its conception to the time its disposed. While the current processes of defining, managing and storing data lack emphasis on its management, ILM provides a solution for effectively managing organization data applications. It is imperative to emphasize on the now prevalent decline in business agility as a result of problems with data volumes so as to keep data management cost down by taking an enterprise approach in managing data as records. ILM supports this. The findings that 56 percent lack interest in implementing ILM strategies or that they do not know of any ILM efforts within their organizations is biased considering that the enterprise approach is a relatively new approach to organizational information management. It is the current data systems that have failed as they only allow firms to handle problems as they occur and not that firms are reactive or else undisciplined about their data challenges. The finding that most firms either do not know or allocate minimal ILM strategy budgets ought to have outlined a parallel study of efforts made in alternative data management approaches. ILM introduces a cohesive strategy for the management of information across the organization which is exactly what is needed in modern business environments. Although ILM is promising, the author ought to have compared the findings with firms’ preference for alternative systems or even priorities as well as its fit with the current technology levels. The study also does not highlight the relative costs of implementing ILM with respect to the firms’ profit margins while outlining the implementation levels for ILM. However, ILM is an important strategy for data that need to meet certain legal storage mandates although it does not assess relative cost maintaining such information as opposed to frequency of events requiring this information. While the author addresses the issues of difficulties in determining information’s life cycle, he does not address the limitations of legal determinants which could jeopardize the gains from ILM. Nolan, R. McFarlan, W. (2005). Information Technology and the Board of Directors: Building an IT Governance Committee. Harvard Business Review, 83 (10),  In such a digital age as this, it is imperative that any organization invest in a strong governance committee on IT that can oversee the formulation and integration of IT policies into the company’s competitive advantage strategy. Warren McFarlan and Richard Nolan detail the basics of establishing and maintaining an IT governance committee. An IT governance committee is paramount in developing a custom framework on which an organization’s IT policies are founded thus enabling a firm to avoid applying other companies’ best strategies which may not fit into the modern nature business strategy. The authors elaborate on the three key approaches that are essential in guiding any company in building an effective IT governance committee: appointing the suitable personnel as well as their chairman; assessing how the committee would link to the audit committee; and the preparation of the committee’s charter. The first two are particularly more important. Independence is vital for any modern-day committee effectiveness just as the authors recommend the independence of the IT committee. Noting the importance of the importance of mentorship and expertise, McFarlan and Nolan emphasize on a chairman who’s either an IT professional (for strategic mode firms) or has past experience (for factory, turn around and support mode firms) in a successful IT-strategy based firm. In all cases, being IT-savvy, understanding an organization and its business needs as well as the systems architecture is paramount in addressing the bigger picture; technology’s potential to change the outlook of the business economy and this supports the characterization of the modern-day business leaders. In this regard, the authors emphasize on selecting a chairman or at least an IT professional who can successfully balance the short-term needs of the firm with its long-term IT investments. Since distraction by difficulties stifle IT integration, the importance of the committee and especially IT experts is addressed as they understand the important dynamics governing technological advancement both at the board and senior management level and thus can appropriately criticize all in-house entrenched thinking. The current scarcity of such experts explains the reason for the increase in number of IT consultants. The article addresses the current issues relating to accountability to the regulatory and economic objectives through alignment with the audit department. However, drastic changes characterizing the advancement in IT would necessitate a considerable number of the committee be composed of IT professionals rather the one or a few suggested by McFarlan and Nolan. Gary, S. , Alice, G. Alexis, F. Risk Management Guide for Information Technology Systems. Recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-30. Gaithersburg, MD. Risk management has become an important aspect of the information technology management system. Gary, Alice and Alexis emphasize on the role of IT-risk management amidst the increasingly growing use of automated information systems aimed at protecting organization’s information assets from IT based risks. IT risk management is largely a management function as this IT guides confirms through focus on the companies mission rather than the IT experts only as the firm’s capacity to perform its mission is affected by these risks. The guide outlines the practical guidelines and the available cost-effective security systems essential in protecting the mission information which is an imperative in the modern world. This guide is literary applicable in every angle of every firm as it can be easily expanded or abbreviated to tailor it to fit specific organizational situations. Apart from enabling firms’ IT departments to be accountable for IT budgets, the guide is also helpful in guiding the accreditation of the IT systems. This guide is an important resource for a wide rage of IT users: the non-technical and technical staff as well as the experienced and the non-experienced ones. Therefore this guide does not only provide an overview of IT risk management but also evaluates how such a process would rhyme with the all the phases of the system development lifecycle (SLDC) as well as detailing the obligations of individuals who usually support and apply this process. In this regard, the guide provides a clear methodology for IT risk management as well as its relation to the system accreditation. This is made simpler by the provision of system-based information essential in defining the IT system as well as its operating environment. For such a process, it is important that supporting material such as the samples for the documentation of the results for risk assessment, as well as samples of a security implementation plan be addressed more keenly as they are essential in improving the effectiveness of the guide. It also focuses on modern-day needs such as enabling IT individuals to customize their IT systems to fit into effective control systems. The authors address the importance of assessing the knowledge gap within the organization as relates to process of implementing information technology management systems. Although not related to the topic at hand, the example on electric power and railroads does address the key idea of being aware of the knowledge gap in the appropriate way so as to make the most out of IT systems’ opportunities. While it may be true that IT technologies’ cost performance had changed to the magnitude of about 107 in at the time of this study, it is no guarantee that it is going to evolve at this same as the author suggests given the tremendous growth in technology and educational advancement. The authors focus on cost effectiveness and the ability to do things differently through the transformational opportunities offered by IT integration as with the examples of American Hospital Supply’s and American Airlines SABRE. In this regard, they emphasize on the knowledge about IT’s associated economics. Strategic implementation and management of IT networks in organizations has made organizations capable of extending their scope globally to take strategic advantage of IT integration. This is because the authors address specifically the fast changing pace of business operations with regards to assumptions and rules of business competition and this an important resource for modern-day senior management and CEOs who are charged with the responsibility of diversifying into intangible services that are information based. While its clear that technology is increasingly growing, it implies that the opportunities due to IT integration are bound to increase; it also implies that companies venturing into IT management can differentiate their services and cost and product features not only for sometime to come as the author puts it but for an indefinite time provided there is follow up. However, the author provides a two lenses approach that provides a holistic approach towards IT integration. However, the authors do not note the likely challenges that the highly dynamic and drastically changing IT infrastructure as driven by competition may cost. In this regard, the article emphasize on roles of CIO and CTO.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

How Indonesia Plays An Important Role In Asean Politics Essay

How Indonesia Plays An Important Role In Asean Politics Essay Indonesia is a prosperous country among the 11 countries in Southeast Asia, Indonesia is standing for the largest economy in Southeast Asia as well as the largest market to attract the investors from other regions. As you can see Indonesias condition nowadays is very great as well as prosperity. However, Indonesia has straggled many difficulties such as used to under the control of the Dutch and Japanese and war with the Dutch. On 17 August 1945, the independence of Indonesia was declared by Sukarno, but the Dutch rejected the declaration of independence, then the Dutch reoccupied Indonesia in the middle of 1946. However, the government of Indonesia treated to the reoccupation of the Dutch because young people of Indonesia received an excellent military training during the Japanese occupation. Finally the Dutch gave fully independence to Indonesia in 1949, and then Sukarno was assigned to be the first president of independent Indonesia. He introduced a new policy into the political system of Indonesia which was called Guided Democracy, then the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) endeavored a coup, but it was crushed in the 1965. Suharto was assigned to be the second president of Indonesia in the 1967, and he took control over the military and the government __Authoritarianism. Since there was an oil embargo in 1973, the price of the oil quadrupled. Also Indonesia was one of the worlds largest suppliers of O il, they really enjoyed gaining benefits from that time. Suharto was assigned to be the president of Indonesia for the second mandates. Until 2004 Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is elected to be the president of Indonesia. Before the emergence of ASEAN, the Association of Southeast Asia (ASA) was formed up by Thailand, the Philippines, and the federation of Malaya with Prime Minister Rahman of Malaya was the initiator, but it failed because of the political deputes between members nations. Then on August 5 1967, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines gathered in Bangkok and signed on the Bangkok Declaration to declare the establishment of ASEAN. These five countries were accounted as original members of ASEAN, and the new members of ASEAN are Brunei (January 8, 1984), Vietnam (July 28, 1995), Laos (July 23, 1997), Myanmar (July 23, 1997), and Cambodia (April 30, 1999) (ASEAN-JAPAN CENTRE). Indonesia is one of the fathers of ASEAN, so how does Indonesia operate in ASEAN? Role of Indonesia in ASEAN Since ASEAN was sought on August 8, 1967, ASEAN concentrated on Indonesias regional international relations. ASEAN was created by Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines and took place at Thailand. These countries helped to reduce intra-ASEAN conflict, organize the ASEAN positions and shape a regional multinational framework to facilitate the economic cooperation. The achievement of ASEAN singed a charter with a strong foundation for establishment of an ASEAN community and fortify ASEANs role in dealing with variety of architectural changes in the global cooperation. In the changing architectural of global cooperation and disagreement is the role and bargaining the power which can be seen in Indonesia that put into term that must be mutually agreed. The idea that establishment of the ASESAN community, Indonesia will hurt due to lack of bargaining power of economic and political. Indonesia was recognized since the collapse of new order and economic crisis was delayed in 1997. At that time, Indonesia was seen as an ineffective country in the middle of some ASEAN member countries. But later on, Indonesia began to point out its power again with the various accomplishment of reach. In the role of politics and security, Indonesia became the head country the implement democracy in a state. Indonesia was assigned clearly at the front guard of honor and human rights as well. Moreover the success of Indonesia is to implement a democratic government in order to make Indonesia as a democracy country. In the role of human rights, Indonesia is the first country in ASEAN that has a commission on human rights. In the economic role, Indonesia began to show its economic stability growth. This can be seen that Indonesia has capability to help the economic crisis better in 2008. The achievement of Indonesia in the economic was recognized by other countries. More importantly, Indonesia was assigned as one of the G-20 members. Theses success of Indonesia is a surely priceless asset to fight for Indonesias national interest, not only for ASEAN but also international public. In ASEAN, Indonesian initiated to propose the establishment of an ASEAN community that not only depends on economic cooperation, but also other parts which should be considered such as political cooperation and security and socio-cultural cooperation. In addition, Indonesia is fighting with many important elements such as enforcement of political cooperation and security and democratization and respect for human rights which were issued by the ASEAN charter. To explain the bargaining power of Indonesia in ASEAN, it was regarded as the beginning of negotiation. Indonesia proposed to include elements of human rights and democratization but these elements were protested by all ASEAN member countries. Shortly after, with a strong argument relied on the experience of democracy and respect for human rights, these element were finally interred charter (Foreign Affairs B lues.) Role in establish ASEAN As we have known that Indonesia is one of the five original countries which created ASEAN in 1967. If we look back at the history background in the case of Indonesia and Malaysia war, during 1962-1966 we can see that both countries had a conflict over the creation of Federal of Malaysia that took place on the island of Borneo which called Kalimantan Island. In this war, British meddled in the conflict of these two sides. The war was much complicated which make us hardly to believe that Indonesia agree to form a regional group with Malaysia. But later on, under Indonesia President Suharto, Indonesia eventually agree to accept the Malaysia. In addition, Indonesia agreed to shape ASEAN in meaning that Indonesia agreed to accept the establishment of Federation Malaysia and moreover; the tension between Indonesia and Malaysia war was not happened anymore in 1966. More importantly, the period of the cold war, ASEAN can break out easily owning to ideology crash. At that time, Indonesia had a crucial role to reduce this crash. Indonesia had participated with other ASEAN member countries in order to prevent the epidemic of communist and strengthen the ASEANs role become stronger. A.1. Case of Indonesia and Malaysia War The Indonesian-Malaysian confrontation happened during 1962-1966 was Indonesias political and against to the establishment of Malaysia. It is also known by Indonesian and Malaysian name Konfrontasi. The creation of Malaysia was the integration of Federation of Malaya (now west Malaysia), Singapore and British Borneo (now west Malaysia) in September 1963. The confrontation was an undeclared war which took place at the frontier area between Indonesia and East Malaysia on the island of Borneo which is known as Kalimantan in Indonesia. But Sabah and Sarawak were religious, ethnic, and political variety and there were some area which against to joint Malaysia that Indonesia attempt to exploit. Owing to the fact that terrain in Borneo was challenging and there were a few roads, both sides depend on foot soldiers and air transport. The British and Malaysian armed forces provided a main element of the effort with played by Australian army, navy air forces from combined Far East Strategic Res erve. Firstly, Indonesian overran into East Malaysia relied on local volunteers trained by Indonesian army. The crucial military forces turned to Malaysia were British yet, their first activities were unsuccessful. Then, the British reacted to increase Indonesian activities. In 1965 British began to convert operation into Indonesian Kalimantan under the code name Operation Claret. Meanwhile, Indonesia had little armed forces into west Malaysia. The time of August 1966, under Indonesia President Suhartos rise to power. Eventually, a peace agreement influenced Indonesia and then Indonesia accepted the existence of Malaysia. Role in maintain ASEAN Indonesia is a big brother of ASEAN, it responds a lot so that maintains the relationships among the members of ASEAN. Indonesia involved in the Cambodia and Thailand dispute. In case Cambodia-Thailand territory dispute, Indonesia, chairman of ASEAN, asks both parties to sit and talk in order to seek the solution. After negotiate many times, the clash still occurred and the situation still worse. Responding to this issues Indonesia had seek an agreement which Indonesia sent observers to conflict area in order to prevent fire. The problem was never solved until Cambodia asked UN for help. It showed that Indonesia failed to solve the problem. Yes, it is right Indonesia failed to solve the problem, but it is not Indonesias mistakes; It is because of the international law must respect to the state sovereignty and ASEAN as well. ASEAN is regional group and it havent enough power yet to intervene in its members conflict. In addition to the failure of solving the problem, the present of Indonesia in this dispute is really important because until the dispute end it saved many life that live along the border.This failure experience will effect positively on our future ASEAN. Participation of Indonesia in the bright future of ASEAN Indonesia can be call a big brother of ASEAN because of it population, size of territory and also located in one of the busiest trade route in the world called Malacca. Indonesia is not only a member of ASEAN, but also a member of G20 which make more voice of ASEAN in the group of rich countries submit and bring ASEAN to the high ranking group. With the membership of Indonesia, ASEAN gain more bargaining power and reputation in the international affair as well as the world politics (The Jakarta post, 2011) Another point, ASEAN goals are to create the common market in order to attract investors and promotes economic development. The strong market that can attract investors is depended much on population which is the important point. According to Indonesia population is 242.3 million people in 2011 and it is more than one-third of the ASEAN total population which is around 600 million people. Beside population, Territory is another attracting point for investors. state that Indonesia has 1,903,650 sq km that contains much resource for producing such as coal, iron, oil and so many types (The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 2011). Conclusion To summary, Indonesia is seen as a big brother of ASEAN because Indonesia has the largest economy in Southeast Asia as well as it has more 240 million people, so it has a potentially huge market. If you look at the past, you might see that Indonesia had a crucial role to help countries in Southeast Asia walk away from Communism. Indonesia is not only the significant player in establishing ASEAN, but also be a meditator in negotiation of Cambodia and Thailand conflict so that prevent clashes between members and maintain the relationships among the members of ASEAN. Not only now but also in the future, Indonesia will be the one who participate the most in ASEAN prosperity.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Okalahoma critical analysis Essay -- Drama

Okalahoma critical analysis The original production of Oklahoma opened at the St. James Theatre, New York, on Wednesday March 31, 1943. The top ticket price was $4.80. It ran on Broadway for over five years, besting the previous record holder Hellzapoppin by more than two years. For fifteen years, from 1946 until 1961, Oklahoma held the record as the longest running show in Broadway history. When Okalahoma closed on Broadway May 29, 1948 after 2,212 performances, more than four and a half million people had seen it there. In our expressive arts lesson we watched a section of Okalahoma. As our topic is dreams and nightmares, we watched the section where Laurey has her dream. In a swirl of dream images, Laurey sees herself marrying Curly when Jud invades the wedding; he carries her off, thwarts Curly's attempts to rescue her, and, after a horrific struggle, kills Curly. Laurey awakes from her nightmare with a start...and finds Jud ready to escort her to the Dance. In the beginning of this section we can see Laurey falling to sleep. Then the lights suddenly dim, this shows the audience that we have travelled from reality to her dream. The lighting plays an important part in this musical, as it communicates to the audience Laurey’s mood and feelings. When Laurey is dreaming the light dims to a blue. Then hands appear from the cornfields; they are being lighted up with gold spotlights. She then follows them to a large stage, which is filled up with blur light. In her dream they lighting is calm and cool, and the mood is happy but when it changes into a nightmare the lights suddenly switch red, and makes the atmosphere alarming and unsettling. A spot light is also used on Curley when he enters to dance with Laurey. This can symbolise that he is the one for her, and that he stands out from everyone else. By using a white spotlight shows the audience that he is pure and good. But the spotlights also build a feeling of confusion and distress. This is in her nightmare where the lighting is red and the white spotlights are darting around the stage. This shows the audience Laurey’s feelings towards her nightmare. Music is crucial in her dream as there is no speaking involved, so they music is the only thing that can be heard. In her dream they are playing the song â€Å"oh, what a beautiful morning†. This is played in maj... ...girls they dance in unison, to show they are together and under control. They use lots of turns, and leaps. They also use a lot of ballet movements. This shows the audience a calm, flowing and graceful dream. In the dance with the showgirls, they are all dancing separately with separate movements. They use lots of flexible movements, and balances. This can show the audience that they are separated and unorganised. When she dances the waltz with curly they use lots of lifts, turns and graceful movements, on the other hand when dancing with Judd she is being thrown around and manipulated like a rag doll. This also shows another contrast, which may relate to the contrasts in dreams and nightmares. The musical communicated to the audience her feeling and emotions through other means than verbal communication. They show it mainly through lighting, movement, and music. It relates to dreams and nightmares as is seems rather peculiar. The music seems out of tune and distraught. And strange things and people appear throughout to make the dream seem realistic. This critical analysis will help me to relate to dreams and nightmares throughout my performance without talking.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Hospitality Management Essay

Investigate the range of hospitality businesses in your district. How many are there? What faction / section of the industry do they cater for? Make notes for a brief report on what you discover? I investigated the range of hospitality business in my district. My district is Midleton area in County Cork. I found six hospitality businesses in my area: Midleton Park Hotel Barnabrow House Ballymaloe House Castlemartyr Resort Garryvoe Hotel Bayview Hotel Midleton Park Hotel: Midleton Park Hotel, Co Cork is a 3 star hotel. The Hotel is situated in the bustling East Cork market town of Midleton, located just 14 miles (15 mins drive) from Cork City, this luxury 3 star Irish hotel is perfect for accommodation, conference & meetings, weddings, leisure, and for wellness.The hotel boasts extensive Leisure Club facilities and has a Wellness Centre specialising in the Yonka range of spa products. Barnabrow House: Barnabrow Country House located in Cloyne, Co Cork, dating from 1639, has been lovingly and extensively restored over the past ten years. It now proudly stands as one of the most stunning wedding venues in Munster. It sprawls over 35 acres, has 22 individually-designed bedrooms and a large medieval-style banqueting hall that seats 150 guests as well as some traditional self-catering cottages. This is a private family run estate with a medieval-style banqueting hall for those special events – weddings, family celebrations, private parties, christenings and meetings. Barnabrow Country House is a private & intimate wedding venue in Ireland. This is the ideal wedding venue in Cork for those searching for something different but at affordable prices. The Bride and Groom and their guests are guaranteed complete privacy through exclusive use of the estate for that special day. Barnabrow House is approved for Civil Ceremonies and Civil Partnerships and can seat 75 people for the ceremony. They also have a range of holiday homes, spacious and well-equipped self-catering cottages – a unique Irish experience where old and new have been superbly combined. Barnabrow is not a hotel – it is a family home and a home to children and their pets. They are welcome children. They have 7 donkeys, 2 goats, geese and dogs Barnabrow is the ideal retreat for any intimate party. Cork’s only 1 table restaurant where you can watch and converse with the Chef Stuart Bowes while he prepares your 5-course dinner right in front of you as you sit at the chef’s table. They also have seasonal cookery courses. Ballymaloe House Ballymaloe House, the renowned Irish country house hotel and restaurant owned and run by the Allen family for over 40 years. Nestled in a 400 acre estate in rural East Cork, Ballymaloe House is only 20 miles from the historic city of Cork, and minutes from the breathtaking south coast. The Grain Store is the latest addition to Ballymaloe House. It is a 17th century farmyard building that was sensitively converted into an elegant multi-purpose venue. It is available to be used for conferences, art exhibitions, weddings, concerts, parties, dances, fashion shows, fund raisers and family event. All rooms are decorated to the highest standard, combining modern comforts with timeless elegance and an eye for detail. Each room has its own name and own distinct character, and all have private bathrooms as standard. They also have a limited number of self catering cottages situated in the farmyard. The hotel facilities include: Heated outdoor pool (summer only); Tennis court. Young families and high mid-age income couples would be the most important to bring to this area. These two social group have the time and money to go on holidays. Young families with children always going somewhere, because „spending time together† is very important for them. High income mid-age couples also has claim to go for holiday, because they have money and they are still active. I would promote these two social groups to give some lift for this area.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Jacob

Virginia Woolf`un gerà §ek anlamad ilk deneysel romanà ½dà ½r Jacob`un Odasà ½. Roman, Kral Edward dà ¶nemi à ngiliz toplumunu Birinci Dà ¼nya Savaà ¾Ãƒ ½(na baà °layan toplumsal deà °erlerinhem temsilcisi hem de kurbanà ½ olan bir genà § erkeà °in portresidir. Jacob`un yaà ¾Ãƒ ½mà ½nà ½n seyrini izlerken à §ocukluà °undan, Cambridge yà ½llarà ½ndan, Londra`nà ½n bohem à §evrelerinden, Paris`ten, Yunanistan`a yaptà ½Ãƒ °Ãƒ ½ bir geziden sonra varà ½rà ½z, ama bu bildià °imiz anlamda bir Bildungsroman deà °ildir. Woolf, karakter ve à §evre yaratma konusundaki geleneksel yà ¶ntemleri kà ½rà ½lmalara uà °ratà ½r, bozar. Jacob`un Odasà ½, yazarà ½n bir yapà ½, mimari bir uzam olarak tasarladà ½Ãƒ °Ãƒ ½ bir romandà ½r. Romanà ½n adà ½ sadece Jacob`un `oda`sà ½na deà °il, onun Birinci Dà ¼nya Savaà ¾Ãƒ ½`ndaki à ¶là ¼mà ¼nà ¼n ardà ½ndan odasà ½nda, dolayà ½sà ½yla à §evresinde bà ½raktà ½Ãƒ °Ãƒ ½ ani, ià §burkucu boà ¾luà °a da ià ƒ ¾aret eder. Jacob`un Odasà ½ bir yà ¶nà ¼yle Virginia Woolf`un erken yaà ¾ta à ¶len sevgili erkek kardeà ¾i Thoby Stephen`in, genel olarak da hayatlarà ½nà ½n baharà ½nda savaà ¾larda kurban edilen bà ¼tà ¼n genà § erkekl! erin anà ½sà ½na adanmà ½Ãƒ ¾ bir romandà ½r. Henà ¼z oluà ¾um halindeki bir hayatà ½n `sisler ià §inde`resmedilià ¾i... Jakob'un Odasà ½, Virginia Woolf'n à ¼Ãƒ §Ãƒ ¼ncà ¼ romanà ½, Virginia Woolf'u Virginia Woolf yapan roman. Tam dokndà °umzu sandà ½Ãƒ °Ãƒ ½mà ½z anda parmaklarà ½mà ½zà ½n cndan kaà §an hayat, bir gà ¶rà ¼nà ¼p bir kaybolan Jakop Flanders'in ve onu kuà ¾atan bà ¼tà ¼n bir toplumun zihninden... Eliot'à ½n ifadesiyle bu romanà ½yla Woolf, kendisini geleneksel romanla kendi à ¶zgà ¼n yeteneà °i arasà ½ndaki her tà ¼rlà ¼ uzlaà ¾madan kurtarà ½yor. Jakop'un Odasà ½'nà ½ sadece Virginia Woolf'un olgunluà °nu belgeleyen ilk roman olarak deà °il, hayatlarà ½nà ½n akà ½Ãƒ ¾Ãƒ ½ tà ½pkà ½ onun gibi à §ok erken kesilen genà § insanlarla dolu olan à ¼lkemizde, her askere uà °urlamanà ½n bu gà ¼nlerde bize bir kere daha Jakop'unkine benzer zamansà ½z bir yokoluà ¾ dà ¼Ãƒ ¾Ãƒ ¼ndà ¼rttà ¼Ãƒ °Ãƒ ¼, onca biriktirilmià ¾, hayata kullanà ½lmaya hazà ½rlana... Free Essays on Jacob Free Essays on Jacob Virginia Woolf`un gerà §ek anlamad ilk deneysel romanà ½dà ½r Jacob`un Odasà ½. Roman, Kral Edward dà ¶nemi à ngiliz toplumunu Birinci Dà ¼nya Savaà ¾Ãƒ ½(na baà °layan toplumsal deà °erlerinhem temsilcisi hem de kurbanà ½ olan bir genà § erkeà °in portresidir. Jacob`un yaà ¾Ãƒ ½mà ½nà ½n seyrini izlerken à §ocukluà °undan, Cambridge yà ½llarà ½ndan, Londra`nà ½n bohem à §evrelerinden, Paris`ten, Yunanistan`a yaptà ½Ãƒ °Ãƒ ½ bir geziden sonra varà ½rà ½z, ama bu bildià °imiz anlamda bir Bildungsroman deà °ildir. Woolf, karakter ve à §evre yaratma konusundaki geleneksel yà ¶ntemleri kà ½rà ½lmalara uà °ratà ½r, bozar. Jacob`un Odasà ½, yazarà ½n bir yapà ½, mimari bir uzam olarak tasarladà ½Ãƒ °Ãƒ ½ bir romandà ½r. Romanà ½n adà ½ sadece Jacob`un `oda`sà ½na deà °il, onun Birinci Dà ¼nya Savaà ¾Ãƒ ½`ndaki à ¶là ¼mà ¼nà ¼n ardà ½ndan odasà ½nda, dolayà ½sà ½yla à §evresinde bà ½raktà ½Ãƒ °Ãƒ ½ ani, ià §burkucu boà ¾luà °a da ià ƒ ¾aret eder. Jacob`un Odasà ½ bir yà ¶nà ¼yle Virginia Woolf`un erken yaà ¾ta à ¶len sevgili erkek kardeà ¾i Thoby Stephen`in, genel olarak da hayatlarà ½nà ½n baharà ½nda savaà ¾larda kurban edilen bà ¼tà ¼n genà § erkekl! erin anà ½sà ½na adanmà ½Ãƒ ¾ bir romandà ½r. Henà ¼z oluà ¾um halindeki bir hayatà ½n `sisler ià §inde`resmedilià ¾i... Jakob'un Odasà ½, Virginia Woolf'n à ¼Ãƒ §Ãƒ ¼ncà ¼ romanà ½, Virginia Woolf'u Virginia Woolf yapan roman. Tam dokndà °umzu sandà ½Ãƒ °Ãƒ ½mà ½z anda parmaklarà ½mà ½zà ½n cndan kaà §an hayat, bir gà ¶rà ¼nà ¼p bir kaybolan Jakop Flanders'in ve onu kuà ¾atan bà ¼tà ¼n bir toplumun zihninden... Eliot'à ½n ifadesiyle bu romanà ½yla Woolf, kendisini geleneksel romanla kendi à ¶zgà ¼n yeteneà °i arasà ½ndaki her tà ¼rlà ¼ uzlaà ¾madan kurtarà ½yor. Jakop'un Odasà ½'nà ½ sadece Virginia Woolf'un olgunluà °nu belgeleyen ilk roman olarak deà °il, hayatlarà ½nà ½n akà ½Ãƒ ¾Ãƒ ½ tà ½pkà ½ onun gibi à §ok erken kesilen genà § insanlarla dolu olan à ¼lkemizde, her askere uà °urlamanà ½n bu gà ¼nlerde bize bir kere daha Jakop'unkine benzer zamansà ½z bir yokoluà ¾ dà ¼Ãƒ ¾Ãƒ ¼ndà ¼rttà ¼Ãƒ °Ãƒ ¼, onca biriktirilmià ¾, hayata kullanà ½lmaya hazà ½rlana...